The Inter-Club Projected Digital Image Championship is held each July. Federations each nominate two Clubs to take part alongside the Finalists from the previous year. The category is Open. Trophies and PAGB medals are awarded to the winning Clubs. Medals are also awarded to individual images.
ORGANISER: Jane Lines,
TICKETS: Venue/travel information HERE. Anyone may attend, and tickets may be purchased on-line HERE. If you block buy tickets, please ensure that each person has their own printed ticket to present on arrival. Note that invited clubs must buy a ticket for their nominated representative, and tickets have not been reserved for this purpose.
RULES: The Rules are available HERE. Also see Event Conditions.
TIMETABLE: Federations nominate their participating Clubs in April. Nominated Club contacts are sent the administrative information including timetables etc.
Entrant: The Club is responsible for ensuring the eligibility of Photographers and Images.
Photographers: A photographer may only be entered by one Club each year.
Images: An image may only be entered once (all Clubs and all years combined). An image in a Club’s bank, which is not used in any round, has not been entered and remains eligible in a future year. Guidance
ENTRIES: Participating Clubs are issued with details to make their entries HERE.
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
IMAGES: The Awards and the Final Panel from the Winning Club are in the Galleries.
The Inter-Club Projected Digital Image Championship is sponsored by Fotospeed.