
The APM (Awards for Photographic Merit) are available to members of Clubs affiliated to the PAGB through their Federations and, for still images, are at five levels:

  • Badge (BPAGB) for prints only
  • Credit (CPAGB)
  • Distinction (DPAGB)
  • Excellence (EPAGB) for prints only
  • Master (MPAGB)

For AudioVisual Awards, see the the AV page

The awards are held for life without any annual fee and holders are entitled to use the designated letters after their name.

Recent successful panels can be seen HERE.

Information Leaflets

Prospective applicants must read the relevant information leaflets about the APM system, as well as their local Federation procedures.


Applicants must first apply to their Federation for confirmation of eligibility as a currently active photographer. Leaflet 1 sets out the conditions, durations and other detailed requirements for each level. The application procedure is available from each Federation.

Your Federation will then provide an authenticated PAGB application form, which is sent, with the fee, to the PAGB Awards Secretary:
Daphne Hanson, awards@thepagb.org.uk


The aim is that nobody has to wait for more than a year from the time of application. Adjudications are held twice a year with the upcoming dates and Federation hosts advertised in Leaflet 3. There may be additional catch-up sessions.

Applicants accepted for a given adjudication will receive an entry pack by email, including an account/password for the on-line management system (CMS) to declare titles and provide image files. Applicants must respond promptly to all communications.

TICKETS: Adjudications are hosted by Federations on the rota shown in Leaflet 3. Unless the event is advertised as closed, applicants may attend for no charge, and observers may purchase tickets to attend. Tickets are available via the host Federation.