Welcome to this Photographic Alliance website which holds current and archived information. Our other websites are enews where anyone can read and sign up for the regular newsletters, and the CMS (Central Management System) where Federation and Club officers can register to enter events and obtain services.


  • Spurious Website Links

    General internet searches for The PAGB are showing some links with highly inappropriate content titles. These have been reported for removal and hopefully they will disappear. Other links which were diverting to a malicious site started appearing in mid-June: the cause has been identified and resolved. Avoid a general search and always open this website using the specific address of thepagb.org.uk or via a reputable source such as a Federation website. Contrary to anything shown, the site pages have always been secure and do not contain the spurious title content suggested.

  • The PAGB Compendium

    All information from the website, including all administrative and archive information previously in the Handbook, is explained and referenced in the PAGB Compendium.

  • PAGB On-Line Services

    Please read this PAGE to answer your queries about access to and using on-line services..

  • Central Management System

    The CMS server has to be upgraded in the near future and this will involve several days of downtime. Further details will be published when available.

  • Ongoing News

    For ongoing news about PAGB activities please see the frequent issues of PAGB e-news. Sign up to receive your personal notice as each new edition of PAGB e-news is published.

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